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[size=4][b]Chinese Herbs Bronchitis - Pollution: Checking the Damages Caused to the Respiratory System[/b][/size][hr]THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DAMAGE The long-term effects of air pollution include serious diseases like cancer. The highly polluted city air slowly metamorphoses our healthy and pink colored lung tissues into darkened particles of smog, dust, and other pollutants, making the lungs more vulnerable to infection. The highly sensitive respiratory system can be damaged in a number of ways.

Different types of treatment for acute bronchitis DISEASES Many traditional and alternative health systems like Yoga, Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy have various means of treating the different types of respiratory disorders. Yoga has simple breathing exercises called 'Pranayam' that have proven track records. The other alternative health systems like Ayurveda, Unani and homoeopathy also have viable strategies to effectively treat the respiratory ailments. It is not always that we just turn on the computer, and there is a page about Bronchitis. We have written this article to let others know more about Bronchitis through our resources.

[list][*]However, prior to taking recourse to any of them, one should consult experts of those systems.[*]Obviously some of the obnoxious habits like smoking and taking of alcohol must be given up to get the optimum results.[*]This holds true for any treatment.[*]Now while reading about Bronchitis, don't you feel that you never knew so much existed about Bronchitis?[*]So much matter you never knew existed.[/list]

[size=large][b]Indoor Air Pollution:[/b][/size][hr]This is one of the most dangerous but often disregarded dangers. The offices and homes are mostly bases of indoor air pollution. Many cleaning compounds besides furniture and synthetic carpets, certain construction materials, and even air fresheners emit hazardous gases. These remain highly concentrated in unventilated or AC rooms. The most vulnerable sections of people exposed to these respiratory dangers are children, elderly people and those having a history of respiratory illnesses. These people generally spend most of their time within the four walls. The indoor air pollutants not only weaken our lungs but also invite infections.

Hay fever & asthma: These are allergic reactions of the respiratory system. These conditions are caused when the immune system is irritated by irritants like dust or pollen. The symptoms of hay fever are sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. It is a seasonal reaction when there is abundance of pollens in the air. Asthma attacks are generally mild. But, they can be life threatening too. A person suffering from asthma experiences difficulty in breathing. It occurs as the bronchi and bronchioles get inflamed and remain constricted temporarily. Writing about Bronchitis is an interesting writing assignment. There is no end to it, as there is so much to write about it!

[size=large][b]These Substances Settle Down in the Lungs' Mucous Layers[/b][/size][hr]It takes almost an hour for the paralyzed cilia to recover. But repeated paralyzing from the heated tar eventually kills them. Mucus builds up as a result of repeated smoking. The accumulated mucus blocks the smaller air passages. The obstruction triggers the 'smoker's cough'. This familiar reflex cough is the distressed lung's effort to clear the air routes.

[size=large][b]Respiratory Distress Syndrome: It is Also Called RDS[/b][/size][hr]The dysfunction refers to a cluster of symptoms. All point to severe malfunctioning of lungs. IRDS: Premature infants may suffer from Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome (IRDS). IRDS happens when the alveoli fail to fully expand during inhalation. Alveoli expansion needs a chemical called surfactant. However, among the premature infants, the undeveloped alveoli fail to produce enough surfactant. The common treatment for IRDS is administration of air and surfactant through a breathing tube. This administration enables the alveoli to produce surfactant.

[size=large][b]Cigarette Smoke: this is Yet Another Dangerous Emission[/b][/size][hr]The passive smokers are the hardest hit. Burning fags pose a serious threat to our respiratory system. Tobacco smoke contains over 40 chemicals including the dangerous tar. Most of them are known causes of cancer. Approximately 90 per cent of lung cancer cases among men, and more than 70 per cent among women have been traced to smoking. Keep your mind open to anything when reading about Bronchitis. Opinions may differ, but it is the base of Bronchitis that is important.

Common cold, running nose & stuffy nose: Viruses cause colds by targeting the pharynx and the nasal passages. First, the viruses infiltrate the body through the respiratory system. Then, they target the cells in the nasal passage membranes. But before they can destroy the cells, the body's immune system fights back. The immune system increases the flow of blood to the area. Such reinforcement of white blood cells leads to swelling of the membranes. This causes the stuffy nose. Increase in mucous secretions to neutralize the viral attack leads to the runny nose. Mentionably, the infection can affect the sinuses -- membrane-lined cavities located within the head, besides the middle ear and the lower respiratory tract. Accept the way things are in life. Only then will you be able to accept these points on Bronchitis. Bronchitis can be considered to be part and parcel of life.

[size=large][b]DISORDERS & DISEASES of the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM[/b][/size][hr]Any portion of the respiratory tract can be affected by the disorders and diseases of the respiratory system. Though the common ailments of the respiratory system are trivial, yet at times they can be life threatening as well. Ignorance is bliss they say. However, do you find this practical when you read so much about Bronchitis?

[size=large][b]Pneumonia: this Infection of the Alveoli is Caused by Viruses or Bacteria[/b][/size][hr]Pneumonia is a potentially serious state of the lungs. In pneumonia the alveoli gets inflamed after fluid builds up. This gathering of fluid and the consequent inflammation impedes the flow of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the alveoli and capillaries. Make the best use of life by learning and reading as much as possible. read about things unknown, and more about things known, like about Bronchitis.

[list][*]Occupational risks: Many professionals are daily exposed to impurities released by their activities.[*]These workers run a high risk of suffering from respiratory diseases.[*]Mention may be made of people picking cotton, those working in work in farms or shipyards, mechanics installing brake insulation or lining.[*]Other people who suffer from such risks are miners, construction workers, quarry workers, stone cutters, and sandblasters among others.[/list]

Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist having more than 18 years of service in several audio-visual and print media reputed organizations in North East India. He has published more than 1000 articles and a popular adventure book for children. life is short. Use it to its maximum by utilizing whatever knowledge it offers for knowledge is important for all walks of life. Even the crooks have to be intelligent!

Besides tar several other chemicals enter our lungs from a burning cigarette. The tar from a single cigarette temporarily immobilizes the cilia of the upper and lower tracts of the respiratory route. The tar also temporarily paralyses the macrophages in the lung alveoli. When the cleansing and filtering functions are made inactive, the lungs and the air passages are laid bare to the different particles, viruses and bacteria that are airborne besides of course the tar. Whenever one reads any reading matter, it is vital that the person enjoys reading it. One should grasp the meaning of the matter, only then can it be considered that the reading is complete.

Tuberculosis: Also known as TB, it is caused by the tuberculosis bacterium. The lungs are primarily attacked in TB. At times, other body tissues also get affected. Unaddressed, the lung infection can even destroy the lung tissues. Earlier, tuberculosis was controlled by antibiotics. However, the bacterium has evolved an antibiotic-resistant strain posing a grave health problem. Thinking of life without Bronchitis seem to be impossible to imagine. This is because Bronchitis can be applied in all situations of life. :o.

[size=large][b]GOVERNMENT & NGO MONITORING of POLLUTION[/b][/size][hr]All the governments have their independent agencies to monitor the pollution levels. There are also non-governmental agencies (NGOs) that carry out this activity. The OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) in USA, for instance, issues regulations for protection of workers. It has made mandatory the wearing of air masks with filters for certain jobs. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) monitors and also regulates the pollutants released into the air by different organizations and industries. In spite of such efforts, across the world, various types of respiratory illnesses have registered a rise.

Emphysema: This non-contagious disease affects alveolar tissue gets partially destroyed. The remaining alveoli gets enlarged and weakened. During exhalation, the bronchioles collapse. As a result, air remains trapped inside the alveoli. In the long run, emphysema affects the patient's ability for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide. The circulatory system also fails to function. This causes breathing problems. Emphysema can occur due to genetic factors besides infection, smoke, smog, and cigarette. Just as a book shouldn't be judged by its cover, we wish you read this entire article on Bronchitis before actually making a judgement about Bronchitis. Big Grin.

[Image: Bronchitis-Cough17.jpeg]
[size=medium][b]Untitled — Bronchial Cough Natural Treatment[/b][/size]

[list][*]Bronchitis: Bronchitis refers to membrane inflammation.[*]The membranes lining the bronchioles or the bronchi get inflamed.[*]Bronchitis occurs due to bacterial or viral infection.[*]Bronchitis can also happen from irritating chemicals.[/list]

Quote:Lung cancer: The main cancer causing agents are uranium, asbestos, and tobacco smoke. Genetic reasons can also cause cancer. The respiratory cancerous tumors are formed in the lung tissue (alveolar), the bronchioles or the bronchi. Early detection of such tumors can halt their progression to other parts of the body. Then the treatments are more effective, and the prognosis for recovery is rather good. Unfortunately, 85 per cent of the lung cancers are diagnosed at a later stage when the tumors have already spread. In such extreme cases, the prognosis is poor.

[size=large][b]Laryngitis: Laryngitis is an Inflammation of the Larynx[/b][/size][hr]Laryngitis is caused by various factors. They can be diverse like voice overuse, cigarette smoke or viral infection. Laryngitis leaves different effects on the voice. Till the inflammation subsides, it can either get hoarse, or get reduced to a whisper.

[list][*]ARDS: Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) occurs when the lungs get severely injured.[*]Many automobile accidents, poisonous gases, or lung inflammation can cause such a dysfunction.[*]ARDS patients generally have to battle for life with 50 per cent survival rate.[*]We have tried to place the best definition about Bronchitis in this article.[*]This has taken a lot of time, but we only wish that the definition we gave suits your needs.[/list]

There is no doubt that smoking causes other illnesses that ranges from the minor sickness to the most fatal illnesses such as lung cancer and cardiac arrest. But despite of this, smokers worldwide continue to grow worldwide and tobacco manufactures continue to get rich. Smoking related illnesses would not stop smokers from puffing in the deadly substance in cigarettes and tobacco manufacturers will not stop from producing these deadly substances. Are the following smoking related illnesses not fatal enough to make a smoker stop the habit?

[size=large][b]The Most Predominant Smoking Related Illness is Heart Disease[/b][/size][hr]The harmful substances inhaled by smokers harden the arteries which speed up the blood clotting. Once the arteries are clogged cardiovascular diseases called thrombosis which can either be coronary or cerebral. Coronary thrombosis leads to heart attack due to the clogging of the veins supplying blood to the heart. Cerebral thrombosis is caused by the clogging of the veins connected to the brain which can cause collapse, stroke or paralysis. The best way of gaining knowledge about Chronic Bronchitis is by reading as much about it as possible. This can be best done through the Internet.

Lastly, smokers are not the only people susceptible to smoking related illnesses. Second hand smoke or those people who are exposed to the smoke breathe out by smokers are can also develop smoking related illnesses which can be as fatal with that of the actual smokers. Babies and young children with smoking parents are the most affected by second hand smoke.

[list][*]The second most predominant smoking related illness is cancer which does not only affect the lungs but the throat and mouth as well.[*]Lung cancer is the deadliest smoking related illness of all and will most likely affect smokers than non-smokers.[*]Statistics show that 90% of smokers develop lung cancer and 1 out of ten moderate smokers and 1 out of five heavy smokers will die of lung cancer.[*]A scary thought indeed which should be enough to discourage smokers from continuing the habit.[*]But apparently not enough.[*]Aside from lung cancer, other smoking related illness causing cancer can also be developed due to smoking.[*]This includes cancer of the bladder, cancer of the kidneys and cancer of the pancreas.[*]Never be reluctant to admit that you don't know.[*]There is no one who knows everything.[*]So if you don't know much about Bronchitis, all that has to be done is to read up on it![/list]

Another smoking related illnesses which is getting rampant among smokers is the chronic pulmonary diseases which is due the blocking of airflow and causes difficulty in breathing. Two of the most common chronic pulmonary disease is emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is a deadly smoking related illnesses which is due to the damage brought about by smoking to the air sacs. While bronchitis is a smoking related illnesses which is characterized by continuous coughing with mucus for several months. One thing to note about chronic pulmonary diseases is that they occur during the later ages of a smoker's life. People always think that they know everything about everything; however, it should be known that no one is perfect in everything. There is never a limit to learning; even learning about Bronchitis Emphysema.

Other smoking related diseases are not as rampant as cancer, heart or pulmonary disease but they are nonetheless fatal and enough reason to quit smoking. These smoking related illnesses are high blood pressure, fertility problems, asthma, and eye damages such as cataracts and lost of eyesight, dental problems, ulcers, and over all physical appearance. Variety is the spice of life. So we have added as much variety as possible to this matter on Bronchitis to make it's reading relevant, and interesting!